Ask wildpup33!

Hello! This is the place where you can ask questions! Just comment ^^


1.Do not ask questions which would be too personal, (like where I live)
2. This is not a chat room. Its an ask wildpup! 
3.Do not answer for me! The questions are for ME.
4.Do be shy to ask questions!
5. Have fun!! 

About ask wildpup

Ask as many as you want!
I won't always comment in Blogger account, so look out for anonymous, I may comment as ~wildpup33
Remember I wont answer your questions automaticly, It might take time :/


  1. What's your favourite/least favourite color?

    1. Heheh! Well my favourite colour is like pink darkish pink ^^
      last fave colour green :L ~wildpup33

  2. Replies
    1. Hmm come to think about I don't know! (lol) I think I joined around September 2011 so that's nearly a year ago! ~wildpup33

  3. Do you link other blogs here? :3


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